Projection mapping transforms ordinary objects like artwork, buildings or stages into dynamic video displays. Using specialized software and hardware, visuals align perfectly with the object’s shape and can sync with audio or motion triggers for stunning effects. This technology is ideal for creating custom animations and engaging visuals.
Projection mapped artwork

AR retail display

Festival camping tent

Enhanced street mural

Detached garage for backyard party

Desert art installation

Big Cottonwood Canyon art installation. Second half of the clip demonstrates the projection tuned to wobble slightly with the higher frequencies of sound coming off the creek.

Little Cottonwood Canyon art installation. Photo at end of clip showing scene in daylight. This boulder was over 25 feet wide!

8 box, 10 surface 3D demo for Electric Valley Productions.

3 box, 6 surface 3D demo with audio sync.​​​​​

Single box, 3 surface 3D demo done for Omega Fruit Punch Media.

3D - 8 boxes, 25 surfaces

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